The Vaporetto
“The Vaporetto"- A Ride Through The Grand Canal
I took a great deal of video as I rode through Venice on the “Vaporetto.” The Vaporetto is a water taxi that moves through the Grand Canal. There are many stops for this water taxi which will leave you in any part of Venice you desire. I took this video for my wife, who wanted to try to experience Venice through my adventures there. She never made it to Venice when she came to Italy. For her, and for those of you, like her, who have never been to Venice, I thought it would be fun to give you the experience of traveling through the Grand Canal, and so, compiled this video. It is quite long by my previous BLOG standards - about 12 & 1/2 minutes. It has no added music track to alter the experience: just the sights and sounds of the Grand Canal - the sound of the wind, occasional voices, the slight hint of the sound of moving through water, and the engine of the Vaporetto itself. It feels more real that way. I hope you enjoy it!
The Gondola Gallery
“Gondolas"- MFH Gallery Wall
The newest gallery wall of photographs for my salon clients is from my latest adventure to Venice in 2014. This time I created a wall of “Gondolas." How I loved watching them, photographing them, and riding in one! They are much larger than you think, quite spacious, and often seat an entire family. The Gondola moves quite smoothly in the water - it is a strange feeling. I previously posted on this blog a video I made of riding in a gondola - see blog entry " 2014 Venice Gondola Ride" - where you can feel the movement for yourself. Enjoy.

MFH Gondola Gallery Wall

2014 Venice Gondola Ride
“Venice 2014”- Gondola Ride
One of my favorite things to do when I was walking around Venice was to stop and take a bit of video of the Gondolas moving through the canals. Occasionally, I would catch a Gondola with a musician and/or a singer on it! Those were my favorites! I was in Venice in the middle of May and the canals were already crowded! When I met up with my friends who live in Venice, the wife and one of her daughters wanted to share a Gondola ride with me. Since she spoken fluent Italian, she brokered a fabulous deal which included a nice long ride. I didn’t want to be too much of a tourist, so I only recorded a few short bits of the ride with my cell phone. Anyway, I put them all together for you, so you too can experience a Gondola ride in Venice. I will add it to the completed Webpage on my 2014 trip to Venice which will be coming out soon. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy it!
“Camogli" MFH Gallery Wall
“Camogli”- MFH Gallery Wall
One of my favorite things to do is create a gallery wall of photographs for my salon clients, usually of images from my latest adventure. This time I created a wall of photographs from Camogli. How I loved staying there during this 2014 trip back to Italy! Camogli is a fishing village on the Italian Riveria, near Portofino. I have taken a photograph of the entire wall for you and, of course, will show you the photographs individually. To get to Camogli from Venice, I had to pass through the Milan train station which explains the third photograph. I even included some video at the end that shows you what I saw from my favorite place to sit and relax there. Enjoy.

MFH Gallery Wall

This is a video taken from the railing of an outdoor restaurant where you can eat lunch or dinner while listening to the ocean lapping on the shore for as long as you want!

The Restaurant with the View
This last video is where I tried to take some footage of myself in the water. The camera is tilted, because I wedged it into the sand amongst the rocks, and the water was freezing!
"Bella Notte" Photography Exhibit at 58˚ Wine Bar
"Bella Notte" Photography Exhibit at 58˚ Wine Bar
My second Photography Exhibit as a Second Saturday Art Walk Artist was at the 58˚ Wine Bar & Bistro at 1217-18th Street in Sacramento - between L. St. and Capitol Ave. It ran for two months from November 10, 2012 to January 9, 2013. All photographs are now available for purchase online - click HERE or on - "Travel Photography." Feel free to contact me directly to print and/or frame photographs for you.
See a slideshow of the Exhibit below:
Press "Play" - and then press "Pause" shortly after the slideshow begins - this will allow it to upload for a minute or two to ensure you can view it without interruption - Then, you can play it as many times as you want.
"Bella Notte" Photography Exhibit Slideshow

I showed a collection of "night shots" of Rome from my March of 2012 trip. Jane talked so much about it, I had to walk those streets for myself. I took this collection of photographs for her. She spent many happy evenings with her law school friends in Piazza Navona looking at the vendor art and eating in outside cafes, so I brought back night photos of those places just for her. I included a few of my favorite places, like the fountain outside the Pantheon and the Colosseum lit up against the night sky.
The rest of the images were from Florence, Venice, and the Emilia Romagna region from my 2011 trip to Italy which were not featured in my previous Exhibit. This Exhibit displayed approximately 22 photographs. It was a fabulous reception at a wonderful place with great food! Thank you everyone for coming by to see it!

"Ciao Italia" Exhibit at Old Soul Co.
"Ciao Italia" Exhibit at Old Soul Co.
This was my first Photography Exhibit - it was July 14, 2012 - August 8, 2012.
See a slideshow of the Exhibit below:
Press "Play" - and then press "Pause" shortly after the slideshow begins - this will allow it to upload for a minute or two to ensure you can view it without interruption - Then, you can play it as many times as you want.
"Ciao Italia" Photography Exhibit Slideshow

It was a great experience creating a twenty-six (26) photograph gallery for an exhibit at the coffee house Old Soul Co. as their Second Saturday Art Walk Artist for July of 2012. It was amazing!

Old Soul Co. held a reception for me on the Second Saturday of July and I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude to all my clients, family, and friends who made a special effort to come to see my work; both those who came to the reception, and those who took the time to visit the exhibit before it ended. I am honored by their love and support and will always remember how they made this event one of the most special occasions of my life!